

Package Contents#



Executes the 'add' command to stake tokens to one or more hotkeys from a user's coldkey on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'show' command to list all stake accounts associated with a user's wallet on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'remove' command to unstake TAO tokens from one or more hotkeys and transfer them back to the user's coldkey on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'overview' command to present a detailed overview of the user's registered accounts on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'pow_register' command to register a neuron on the Bittensor network using Proof of Work (PoW).


Executes the 'register' command to register a neuron on the Bittensor network by recycling some TAO (the network's native token).


Executes the 'faucet' command to obtain test TAO tokens by performing Proof of Work (PoW).



Executes the 'nominate' command, which facilitates a wallet to become a delegate


Displays a formatted table of Bittensor network delegates, providing a comprehensive


Executes the 'delegate' command, which stakes Tao to a specified delegate on the


Executes the 'undelegate' command, allowing users to withdraw their staked Tao from


Executes the 'my_delegates' command within the Bittensor CLI, which retrieves and


Executes the 'new_coldkey' command to create a new coldkey under a wallet on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'new_hotkey' command to create a new hotkey under a wallet on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'regen_coldkey' command to regenerate a coldkey for a wallet on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'regen_coldkeypub' command to regenerate the public part of a coldkey (coldkeypub) for a wallet on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'regen_hotkey' command to regenerate a hotkey for a wallet on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'update' command to check and potentially update the security of the wallets in the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'create' command to generate both a new coldkey and hotkey under a specified wallet on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'balance' command to check the balance of the wallet on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'transfer' command to transfer TAO tokens from one account to another on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'inspect' command, which compiles and displays a detailed report of a user's


Executes the 'metagraph' command to retrieve and display the entire metagraph


Executes the 'list' command which enumerates all wallets and their respective hotkeys


Executes the 'update' command to update the local Bittensor package. This command performs a series of operations to ensure that the user's local Bittensor installation is updated to the latest version from the master branch of its GitHub repository. It primarily involves pulling the latest changes from the repository and reinstalling the package.


Executes the 'senate' command to view the members of Bittensor's governance protocol, known as the Senate.


Executes the 'proposals' command to view active proposals within Bittensor's governance protocol.


Executes the 'proposal_votes' command to view the votes for a specific proposal in Bittensor's governance protocol.


Executes the 'senate_register' command to register as a member of the Senate in Bittensor's governance protocol.


Executes the 'senate_leave' command to discard membership in Bittensor's Senate.


Executes the 'senate_vote' command to cast a vote on an active proposal in Bittensor's governance protocol.


Executes the 'register' command to register a wallet to the root network of the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'list' command to display the members of the root network on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'weights' command to set the weights for the root network on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'get_weights' command to retrieve the weights set for the root network on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'boost' command to boost the weights for a specific subnet within the root network on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'slash' command to decrease the weights for a specific subnet within the root network on the Bittensor network.


Executes the 'get_identity' command, which retrieves and displays the identity details


Executes the 'set_identity' command within the Bittensor network, which allows for the



bittensor.commands.defaults: munch.Munch#
class bittensor.commands.StakeCommand#

Executes the ‘add’ command to stake tokens to one or more hotkeys from a user’s coldkey on the Bittensor network. This command is used to allocate tokens to different hotkeys, securing their position and influence on the network.

Usage: Users can specify the amount to stake, the hotkeys to stake to (either by name or SS58 address), and whether to stake to all hotkeys. The command checks for sufficient balance and hotkey registration before proceeding with the staking process.

Optional arguments: - –all (bool): When set, stakes all available tokens from the coldkey. - –uid (int): The unique identifier of the neuron to which the stake is to be added. - –amount (float): The amount of TAO tokens to stake. - –max_stake (float): Sets the maximum amount of TAO to have staked in each hotkey. - –hotkeys (list): Specifies hotkeys by name or SS58 address to stake to. - –all_hotkeys (bool): When set, stakes to all hotkeys associated with the wallet, excluding any specified in –hotkeys.

The command prompts for confirmation before executing the staking operation.

Example usage: >>> btcli stake add –amount 100 – <my_wallet> –wallet.hotkey <my_hotkey>

Note: This command is critical for users who wish to distribute their stakes among different neurons (hotkeys) on the network. It allows for a strategic allocation of tokens to enhance network participation and influence.

static run(cli)#

Stake token of amount to hotkey(s).

classmethod check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

classmethod add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.StakeShow#

Executes the ‘show’ command to list all stake accounts associated with a user’s wallet on the Bittensor network. This command provides a comprehensive view of the stakes associated with both hotkeys and delegates linked to the user’s coldkey.

Usage: The command lists all stake accounts for a specified wallet or all wallets in the user’s configuration directory. It displays the coldkey, balance, account details (hotkey/delegate name), stake amount, and the rate of return.

Optional arguments: - –all (bool): When set, the command checks all coldkey wallets instead of just the specified wallet.

The command compiles a table showing: - Coldkey: The coldkey associated with the wallet. - Balance: The balance of the coldkey. - Account: The name of the hotkey or delegate. - Stake: The amount of TAO staked to the hotkey or delegate. - Rate: The rate of return on the stake, typically shown in TAO per day.

Example usage: >>> btcli stake show –all

Note: This command is essential for users who wish to monitor their stake distribution and returns across various accounts on the Bittensor network. It provides a clear and detailed overview of the user’s staking activities.

static run(cli)#

Show all stake accounts.

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.UnStakeCommand#

Executes the ‘remove’ command to unstake TAO tokens from one or more hotkeys and transfer them back to the user’s coldkey on the Bittensor network. This command is used to withdraw tokens previously staked to different hotkeys.

Usage: Users can specify the amount to unstake, the hotkeys to unstake from (either by name or SS58 address), and whether to unstake from all hotkeys. The command checks for sufficient stake and prompts for confirmation before proceeding with the unstaking process.

Optional arguments: - –all (bool): When set, unstakes all staked tokens from the specified hotkeys. - –amount (float): The amount of TAO tokens to unstake. - –hotkey_ss58address (str): The SS58 address of the hotkey to unstake from. - –max_stake (float): Sets the maximum amount of TAO to remain staked in each hotkey. - –hotkeys (list): Specifies hotkeys by name or SS58 address to unstake from. - –all_hotkeys (bool): When set, unstakes from all hotkeys associated with the wallet, excluding any specified in –hotkeys.

The command prompts for confirmation before executing the unstaking operation.

Example usage: >>> btcli stake remove –amount 100 –hotkeys hk1,hk2

Note: This command is important for users who wish to reallocate their stakes or withdraw them from the network. It allows for flexible management of token stakes across different neurons (hotkeys) on the network.

classmethod check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

static add_args(command_parser)#
static run(cli)#

Unstake token of amount from hotkey(s).

class bittensor.commands.OverviewCommand#

Executes the ‘overview’ command to present a detailed overview of the user’s registered accounts on the Bittensor network. This command compiles and displays comprehensive information about each neuron associated with the user’s wallets, including both hotkeys and coldkeys. It is especially useful for users managing multiple accounts or seeking a summary of their network activities and stake distributions.

Usage: The command offers various options to customize the output. Users can filter the displayed data by specific netuids, sort by different criteria, and choose to include all wallets in the user’s configuration directory. The output is presented in a tabular format with the following columns: - COLDKEY: The SS58 address of the coldkey. - HOTKEY: The SS58 address of the hotkey. - UID: Unique identifier of the neuron. - ACTIVE: Indicates if the neuron is active. - STAKE(τ): Amount of stake in the neuron, in Tao. - RANK: The rank of the neuron within the network. - TRUST: Trust score of the neuron. - CONSENSUS: Consensus score of the neuron. - INCENTIVE: Incentive score of the neuron. - DIVIDENDS: Dividends earned by the neuron. - EMISSION(p): Emission received by the neuron, in Rho. - VTRUST: Validator trust score of the neuron. - VPERMIT: Indicates if the neuron has a validator permit. - UPDATED: Time since last update. - AXON: IP address and port of the neuron. - HOTKEY_SS58: Human-readable representation of the hotkey.

Example usage: >>> btcli wallet overview >>> btcli wallet overview –all –sort_by stake –sort_order descending

Note: This command is read-only and does not modify the network state or account configurations. It provides a quick and comprehensive view of the user’s network presence, making it ideal for monitoring account status, stake distribution, and overall contribution to the Bittensor network.

static run(cli)#

Prints an overview for the wallet’s colkey.


cli (bittensor.cli) –

static _get_neurons_for_netuid(args_tuple)#

args_tuple (Tuple[bittensor.Config, int, List[str]]) –

Return type:

Tuple[int, List[bittensor.NeuronInfoLite], Optional[str]]

static _get_de_registered_stake_for_coldkey_wallet(args_tuple)#
Return type:

Tuple[bittensor.Wallet, List[Tuple[str, bittensor.Balance]], Optional[str]]

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.PowRegisterCommand#

Executes the ‘pow_register’ command to register a neuron on the Bittensor network using Proof of Work (PoW). This method is an alternative registration process that leverages computational work for securing a neuron’s place on the network.

Usage: The command starts by verifying the existence of the specified subnet. If the subnet does not exist, it terminates with an error message. On successful verification, the PoW registration process is initiated, which requires solving computational puzzles.

Optional arguments: - –netuid (int): The netuid for the subnet on which to serve the neuron. Mandatory for specifying the target subnet. - –pow_register.num_processes (int): The number of processors to use for PoW registration. Defaults to the system’s default setting. - –pow_register.update_interval (int): The number of nonces to process before checking for the next block during registration.

Affects the frequency of update checks.

  • –pow_register.no_output_in_place (bool): When set, disables the output of registration statistics in place. Useful for cleaner logs.

  • –pow_register.verbose (bool): Enables verbose output of registration statistics for detailed information.

  • –pow_register.cuda.use_cuda (bool): Enables the use of CUDA for GPU-accelerated PoW calculations. Requires a CUDA-compatible GPU.

  • –pow_register.cuda.no_cuda (bool): Disables the use of CUDA, defaulting to CPU-based calculations.

  • –pow_register.cuda.dev_id (int): Specifies the CUDA device ID, useful for systems with multiple CUDA-compatible GPUs.

  • –pow_register.cuda.tpb (int): Sets the number of Threads Per Block for CUDA operations, affecting the GPU calculation dynamics.

The command also supports additional wallet and subtensor arguments, enabling further customization of the registration process.

Example usage: >>> btcli pow_register –netuid 1 –pow_register.num_processes 4 –cuda.use_cuda

Note: This command is suited for users with adequate computational resources to participate in PoW registration. It requires a sound understanding of the network’s operations and PoW mechanics. Users should ensure their systems meet the necessary hardware and software requirements, particularly when opting for CUDA-based GPU acceleration.

This command may be disabled according on the subnet owner’s directive. For example, on netuid 1 this is permanently disabled.

static run(cli)#

Register neuron.

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.RegisterCommand#

Executes the ‘register’ command to register a neuron on the Bittensor network by recycling some TAO (the network’s native token). This command is used to add a new neuron to a specified subnet within the network, contributing to the decentralization and robustness of Bittensor.

Usage: Before registering, the command checks if the specified subnet exists and whether the user’s balance is sufficient to cover the registration cost. The registration cost is determined by the current recycle amount for the specified subnet. If the balance is insufficient or the subnet does not exist, the command will exit with an appropriate error message.

If the preconditions are met, and the user confirms the transaction (if ‘no_prompt’ is not set), the command proceeds to register the neuron by burning the required amount of TAO.

The command structure includes: - Verification of subnet existence. - Checking the user’s balance against the current recycle amount for the subnet. - User confirmation prompt for proceeding with registration. - Execution of the registration process.

Columns Displayed in the Confirmation Prompt: - Balance: The current balance of the user’s wallet in TAO. - Cost to Register: The required amount of TAO needed to register on the specified subnet.

Example usage: >>> btcli subnets register –netuid 1

Note: This command is critical for users who wish to contribute a new neuron to the network. It requires careful consideration of the subnet selection and an understanding of the registration costs. Users should ensure their wallet is sufficiently funded before attempting to register a neuron.

static run(cli)#

Register neuron by recycling some TAO.

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.RunFaucetCommand#

Executes the ‘faucet’ command to obtain test TAO tokens by performing Proof of Work (PoW). This command is particularly useful for users who need test tokens for operations on the Bittensor testnet.

Usage: The command uses the PoW mechanism to validate the user’s effort and rewards them with test TAO tokens. It is typically used in testnet environments where real value transactions are not necessary.

Optional arguments: - –faucet.num_processes (int): Specifies the number of processors to use for the PoW operation.

A higher number of processors may increase the chances of successful computation.

  • –faucet.update_interval (int): Sets the frequency of nonce processing before checking for the next block, which impacts the PoW operation’s responsiveness.

  • –faucet.no_output_in_place (bool): When set, it disables in-place output of registration statistics for cleaner log visibility.

  • –faucet.verbose (bool): Enables verbose output for detailed statistical information during the PoW process.

  • –faucet.cuda.use_cuda (bool): Activates the use of CUDA for GPU acceleration in the PoW process, suitable for CUDA-compatible GPUs.

  • –faucet.cuda.no_cuda (bool): Disables the use of CUDA, opting for CPU-based calculations.

  • –faucet.cuda.dev_id (int[]): Allows selection of specific CUDA device IDs for the operation, useful in multi-GPU setups.

  • –faucet.cuda.tpb (int): Determines the number of Threads Per Block for CUDA operations, affecting GPU calculation efficiency.

These options provide flexibility in configuring the PoW process according to the user’s hardware capabilities and preferences.

Example usage: >>> btcli wallet faucet –faucet.num_processes 4 –faucet.cuda.use_cuda

Note: This command is meant for use in testnet environments where users can experiment with the network without using real TAO tokens. It’s important for users to have the necessary hardware setup, especially when opting for CUDA-based GPU calculations.


static run(cli)#

Register neuron.

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.SwapHotkeyCommand#
static run(cli)#

Swap your hotkey for all registered axons on the network.

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.NominateCommand#

Executes the ‘nominate’ command, which facilitates a wallet to become a delegate on the Bittensor network. This command handles the nomination process, including wallet unlocking and verification of the hotkey’s current delegate status.

The command performs several checks: - Verifies that the hotkey is not already a delegate to prevent redundant nominations. - Tries to nominate the wallet and reports success or failure.

Upon success, the wallet’s hotkey is registered as a delegate on the network.

Optional Arguments: - The name of the wallet to use for the command. - wallet.hotkey: The name of the hotkey to use for the command.

Usage: To run the command, the user must have a configured wallet with both hotkey and coldkey. If the wallet is not already nominated, this command will initiate the process.

Example usage: >>> btcli root nominate >>> btcli root nominate – my_wallet –wallet.hotkey my_hotkey

Note: This function is intended to be used as a CLI command. It prints the outcome directly to the console and does not return any value. It should not be called programmatically in user code due to its interactive nature and side effects on the network state.

static run(cli)#

Nominate wallet.

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.ListDelegatesCommand#

Displays a formatted table of Bittensor network delegates, providing a comprehensive overview of delegate statistics and information. This table helps users make informed decisions on which delegates to allocate their Tao stake.

Optional Arguments: - The name of the wallet to use for the command. - The name of the network to use for the command.

The table columns include: - INDEX: The delegate’s index in the sorted list. - DELEGATE: The name of the delegate. - SS58: The delegate’s unique SS58 address (truncated for display). - NOMINATORS: The count of nominators backing the delegate. - DELEGATE STAKE(τ): The amount of delegate’s own stake (not the TAO delegated from any nominators). - TOTAL STAKE(τ): The delegate’s cumulative stake, including self-staked and nominators’ stakes. - CHANGE/(4h): The percentage change in the delegate’s stake over the last four hours. - SUBNETS: The subnets to which the delegate is registered. - VPERMIT: Indicates the subnets for which the delegate has validator permits. - NOMINATOR/(24h)/kτ: The earnings per 1000 τ staked by nominators in the last 24 hours. - DELEGATE/(24h): The total earnings of the delegate in the last 24 hours. - DESCRIPTION: A brief description of the delegate’s purpose and operations.

Sorting is done based on the ‘TOTAL STAKE’ column in descending order. Changes in stake are highlighted: increases in green and decreases in red. Entries with no previous data are marked with ‘NA’. Each delegate’s name is a hyperlink to their respective URL, if available.

Example usage: >>> btcli root list_delegates >>> btcli root list_delegates – my_wallet >>> btcli root list_delegates – finney # can also be test or local

Note: This function is part of the Bittensor CLI tools and is intended for use within a console application. It prints directly to the console and does not return any value.

static run(cli)#

List all delegates on the network.

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.DelegateStakeCommand#

Executes the ‘delegate’ command, which stakes Tao to a specified delegate on the Bittensor network. This action allocates the user’s Tao to support a delegate, potentially earning staking rewards in return.

Optional Arguments: - The name of the wallet to use for the command. - delegate_ss58key: The SS58 address of the delegate to stake to. - amount: The amount of Tao to stake. - all: If specified, the command stakes all available Tao.

The command interacts with the user to determine the delegate and the amount of Tao to be staked. If the ‘–all’ flag is used, it delegates the entire available balance.

Usage: The user must specify the delegate’s SS58 address and the amount of Tao to stake. The function sends a transaction to the subtensor network to delegate the specified amount to the chosen delegate. These values are prompted if not provided.

Example usage: >>> btcli delegate –delegate_ss58key <SS58_ADDRESS> –amount <AMOUNT> >>> btcli delegate –delegate_ss58key <SS58_ADDRESS> –all

Note: This command modifies the blockchain state and may incur transaction fees. It requires user confirmation and interaction, and is designed to be used within the Bittensor CLI environment. The user should ensure the delegate’s address and the amount to be staked are correct before executing the command.

static run(cli)#

Delegates stake to a chain delegate.

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.DelegateUnstakeCommand#

Executes the ‘undelegate’ command, allowing users to withdraw their staked Tao from a delegate on the Bittensor network. This process is known as “undelegating” and it reverses the delegation process, freeing up the staked tokens.

Optional Arguments: - The name of the wallet to use for the command. - delegate_ss58key: The SS58 address of the delegate to undelegate from. - amount: The amount of Tao to undelegate. - all: If specified, the command undelegates all staked Tao from the delegate.

The command prompts the user for the amount of Tao to undelegate and the SS58 address of the delegate from which to undelegate. If the ‘–all’ flag is used, it will attempt to undelegate the entire staked amount from the specified delegate.

Usage: The user must provide the delegate’s SS58 address and the amount of Tao to undelegate. The function will then send a transaction to the Bittensor network to process the undelegation.

Example usage: >>> btcli undelegate –delegate_ss58key <SS58_ADDRESS> –amount <AMOUNT> >>> btcli undelegate –delegate_ss58key <SS58_ADDRESS> –all

Note: This command can result in a change to the blockchain state and may incur transaction fees. It is interactive and requires confirmation from the user before proceeding. It should be used with care as undelegating can affect the delegate’s total stake and potentially the user’s staking rewards.

static run(cli)#

Undelegates stake from a chain delegate.

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.MyDelegatesCommand#

Executes the ‘my_delegates’ command within the Bittensor CLI, which retrieves and displays a table of delegated stakes from a user’s wallet(s) to various delegates on the Bittensor network. The command provides detailed insights into the user’s staking activities and the performance of their chosen delegates.

Optional Arguments: - The name of the wallet to use for the command. - all: If specified, the command aggregates information across all wallets.

The table output includes the following columns: - Wallet: The name of the user’s wallet. - OWNER: The name of the delegate’s owner. - SS58: The truncated SS58 address of the delegate. - Delegation: The amount of Tao staked by the user to the delegate. - τ/24h: The earnings from the delegate to the user over the past 24 hours. - NOMS: The number of nominators for the delegate. - OWNER STAKE(τ): The stake amount owned by the delegate. - TOTAL STAKE(τ): The total stake amount held by the delegate. - SUBNETS: The list of subnets the delegate is a part of. - VPERMIT: Validator permits held by the delegate for various subnets. - 24h/kτ: Earnings per 1000 Tao staked over the last 24 hours. - Desc: A description of the delegate.

The command also sums and prints the total amount of Tao delegated across all wallets.

Usage: The command can be run as part of the Bittensor CLI suite of tools and requires no parameters if a single wallet is used. If multiple wallets are present, the –all flag can be specified to aggregate information across all wallets.

Example usage: >>> btcli my_delegates >>> btcli my_delegates –all >>> btcli my_delegates – my_wallet

Note: This function is typically called by the CLI parser and is not intended to be used directly in user code.

static run(cli)#

Delegates stake to a chain delegate.

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.NewColdkeyCommand#

Executes the ‘new_coldkey’ command to create a new coldkey under a wallet on the Bittensor network. This command generates a coldkey, which is essential for holding balances and performing high-value transactions.

Usage: The command creates a new coldkey with an optional word count for the mnemonic and supports password protection. It also allows overwriting an existing coldkey.

Optional arguments: - –n_words (int): The number of words in the mnemonic phrase. - –use_password (bool): Enables password protection for the generated key. - –overwrite_coldkey (bool): Overwrites the existing coldkey with the new one.

Example usage: >>> btcli wallet new_coldkey –n_words 15

Note: This command is crucial for users who need to create a new coldkey for enhanced security or as part of setting up a new wallet. It’s a foundational step in establishing a secure presence on the Bittensor network.


Creates a new coldkey under this wallet.

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.NewHotkeyCommand#

Executes the ‘new_hotkey’ command to create a new hotkey under a wallet on the Bittensor network. This command is used to generate a new hotkey for managing a neuron or participating in the network.

Usage: The command creates a new hotkey with an optional word count for the mnemonic and supports password protection. It also allows overwriting an existing hotkey.

Optional arguments: - –n_words (int): The number of words in the mnemonic phrase. - –use_password (bool): Enables password protection for the generated key. - –overwrite_hotkey (bool): Overwrites the existing hotkey with the new one.

Example usage: >>> btcli wallet new_hotkey –n_words 24

Note: This command is useful for users who wish to create additional hotkeys for different purposes, such as running multiple miners or separating operational roles within the network.


Creates a new hotke under this wallet.

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.RegenColdkeyCommand#

Executes the ‘regen_coldkey’ command to regenerate a coldkey for a wallet on the Bittensor network. This command is used to create a new coldkey from an existing mnemonic, seed, or JSON file.

Usage: Users can specify a mnemonic, a seed string, or a JSON file path to regenerate a coldkey. The command supports optional password protection for the generated key and can overwrite an existing coldkey.

Optional arguments: - –mnemonic (str): A mnemonic phrase used to regenerate the key. - –seed (str): A seed hex string used for key regeneration. - –json (str): Path to a JSON file containing an encrypted key backup. - –json_password (str): Password to decrypt the JSON file. - –use_password (bool): Enables password protection for the generated key. - –overwrite_coldkey (bool): Overwrites the existing coldkey with the new one.

Example usage: >>> btcli wallet regen_coldkey –mnemonic “word1 word2 … word12”

Note: This command is critical for users who need to regenerate their coldkey, possibly for recovery or security reasons. It should be used with caution to avoid overwriting existing keys unintentionally.


Creates a new coldkey under this wallet.

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.RegenColdkeypubCommand#

Executes the ‘regen_coldkeypub’ command to regenerate the public part of a coldkey (coldkeypub) for a wallet on the Bittensor network. This command is used when a user needs to recreate their coldkeypub from an existing public key or SS58 address.

Usage: The command requires either a public key in hexadecimal format or an SS58 address to regenerate the coldkeypub. It optionally allows overwriting an existing coldkeypub file.

Optional arguments: - –public_key_hex (str): The public key in hex format. - –ss58_address (str): The SS58 address of the coldkey. - –overwrite_coldkeypub (bool): Overwrites the existing coldkeypub file with the new one.

Example usage: >>> btcli wallet regen_coldkeypub –ss58_address 5DkQ4…

Note: This command is particularly useful for users who need to regenerate their coldkeypub, perhaps due to file corruption or loss. It is a recovery-focused utility that ensures continued access to wallet functionalities.


Creates a new coldkeypub under this wallet.

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.RegenHotkeyCommand#

Executes the ‘regen_hotkey’ command to regenerate a hotkey for a wallet on the Bittensor network. Similar to regenerating a coldkey, this command creates a new hotkey from a mnemonic, seed, or JSON file.

Usage: Users can provide a mnemonic, seed string, or a JSON file to regenerate the hotkey. The command supports optional password protection and can overwrite an existing hotkey.

Optional arguments: - –mnemonic (str): A mnemonic phrase used to regenerate the key. - –seed (str): A seed hex string used for key regeneration. - –json (str): Path to a JSON file containing an encrypted key backup. - –json_password (str): Password to decrypt the JSON file. - –use_password (bool): Enables password protection for the generated key. - –overwrite_hotkey (bool): Overwrites the existing hotkey with the new one.

Example usage: >>> btcli wallet regen_hotkey >>> btcli wallet regen_hotkey –seed 0x1234…

Note: This command is essential for users who need to regenerate their hotkey, possibly for security upgrades or key recovery. It should be used cautiously to avoid accidental overwrites of existing keys.


Creates a new coldkey under this wallet.

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.UpdateWalletCommand#

Executes the ‘update’ command to check and potentially update the security of the wallets in the Bittensor network. This command is used to enhance wallet security using modern encryption standards.

Usage: The command checks if any of the wallets need an update in their security protocols. It supports updating all legacy wallets or a specific one based on the user’s choice.

Optional arguments: - –all (bool): When set, updates all legacy wallets. - –no_prompt (bool): Disables user prompting during the update process.

Example usage: >>> btcli wallet update –all

Note: This command is important for maintaining the highest security standards for users’ wallets. It is recommended to run this command periodically to ensure wallets are up-to-date with the latest security practices.

static run(cli)#

Check if any of the wallets needs an update.

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.Config) –

class bittensor.commands.WalletCreateCommand#

Executes the ‘create’ command to generate both a new coldkey and hotkey under a specified wallet on the Bittensor network. This command is a comprehensive utility for creating a complete wallet setup with both cold and hotkeys.

Usage: The command facilitates the creation of a new coldkey and hotkey with an optional word count for the mnemonics. It supports password protection for the coldkey and allows overwriting of existing keys.

Optional arguments: - –n_words (int): The number of words in the mnemonic phrase for both keys. - –use_password (bool): Enables password protection for the coldkey. - –overwrite_coldkey (bool): Overwrites the existing coldkey with the new one. - –overwrite_hotkey (bool): Overwrites the existing hotkey with the new one.

Example usage: >>> btcli wallet create –n_words 21

Note: This command is ideal for new users setting up their wallet for the first time or for those who wish to completely renew their wallet keys. It ensures a fresh start with new keys for secure and effective participation in the network.


Creates a new coldkey and hotkey under this wallet.

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.WalletBalanceCommand#

Executes the ‘balance’ command to check the balance of the wallet on the Bittensor network. This command provides a detailed view of the wallet’s coldkey balances, including free and staked balances.

Usage: The command lists the balances of all wallets in the user’s configuration directory, showing the wallet name, coldkey address, and the respective free and staked balances.

Optional arguments: None. The command uses the wallet and subtensor configurations to fetch balance data.

Example usage: >>> btcli wallet balance

Note: This command is essential for users to monitor their financial status on the Bittensor network. It helps in keeping track of assets and ensuring the wallet’s financial health.

static run(cli)#

Check the balance of the wallet.

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.TransferCommand#

Executes the ‘transfer’ command to transfer TAO tokens from one account to another on the Bittensor network. This command is used for transactions between different accounts, enabling users to send tokens to other participants on the network.

Usage: The command requires specifying the destination address (public key) and the amount of TAO to be transferred. It checks for sufficient balance and prompts for confirmation before proceeding with the transaction.

Optional arguments: - –dest (str): The destination address for the transfer. This can be in the form of an SS58 or ed2519 public key. - –amount (float): The amount of TAO tokens to transfer.

The command displays the user’s current balance before prompting for the amount to transfer, ensuring transparency and accuracy in the transaction.

Example usage: >>> btcli wallet transfer –dest 5Dp8… –amount 100

Note: This command is crucial for executing token transfers within the Bittensor network. Users should verify the destination address and amount before confirming the transaction to avoid errors or loss of funds.

static run(cli)#

Transfer token of amount to destination.

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.InspectCommand#

Executes the ‘inspect’ command, which compiles and displays a detailed report of a user’s wallet pairs (coldkey, hotkey) on the Bittensor network. This report includes balance and staking information for both the coldkey and hotkey associated with the wallet.

Optional arguments: -all: If set to True, the command will inspect all wallets located within the specified path. If set to False, the command will inspect only the wallet specified by the user.

The command gathers data on: - Coldkey balance and delegated stakes. - Hotkey stake and emissions per neuron on the network. - Delegate names and details fetched from the network.

The resulting table includes columns for: - Coldkey: The coldkey associated with the user’s wallet. - Balance: The balance of the coldkey. - Delegate: The name of the delegate to which the coldkey has staked funds. - Stake: The amount of stake held by both the coldkey and hotkey. - Emission: The emission or rewards earned from staking. - Netuid: The network unique identifier of the subnet where the hotkey is active. - Hotkey: The hotkey associated with the neuron on the network.

Usage: This command can be used to inspect a single wallet or all wallets located within a specified path. It is useful for a comprehensive overview of a user’s participation and performance in the Bittensor network.

Example usage: >>> btcli inspect >>> btcli inspect –all

Note: The ‘inspect’ command is for displaying information only and does not perform any transactions or state changes on the Bittensor network. It is intended to be used as part of the Bittensor CLI and not as a standalone function within user code.

static run(cli)#

Inspect a cold, hot pair.

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.MetagraphCommand#

Executes the ‘metagraph’ command to retrieve and display the entire metagraph for a specified network. This metagraph contains detailed information about all the neurons (nodes) participating in the network, including their stakes, trust scores, and more.

Optional arguments: –netuid: The netuid of the network to query. Defaults to the default network UID. – The name of the network to query. Defaults to the default network name.

The table displayed includes the following columns for each neuron: - UID: Unique identifier of the neuron. - STAKE(τ): Total stake of the neuron in Tau (τ). - RANK: Rank score of the neuron. - TRUST: Trust score assigned to the neuron by other neurons. - CONSENSUS: Consensus score of the neuron. - INCENTIVE: Incentive score representing the neuron’s incentive alignment. - DIVIDENDS: Dividends earned by the neuron. - EMISSION(p): Emission in Rho (p) received by the neuron. - VTRUST: Validator trust score indicating the network’s trust in the neuron as a validator. - VAL: Validator status of the neuron. - UPDATED: Number of blocks since the neuron’s last update. - ACTIVE: Activity status of the neuron. - AXON: Network endpoint information of the neuron. - HOTKEY: Partial hotkey (public key) of the neuron. - COLDKEY: Partial coldkey (public key) of the neuron.

The command also prints network-wide statistics such as total stake, issuance, and difficulty.

Usage: The user must specify the network UID to query the metagraph. If not specified, the default network UID is used.

Example usage: >>> btcli metagraph –netuid 0 # Root network >>> btcli metagraph –netuid 1 – test

Note: This command provides a snapshot of the network’s state at the time of calling. It is useful for network analysis and diagnostics. It is intended to be used as part of the Bittensor CLI and not as a standalone function within user code.

static run(cli)#

Prints an entire metagraph.

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.ListCommand#

Executes the ‘list’ command which enumerates all wallets and their respective hotkeys present in the user’s Bittensor configuration directory. The command organizes the information in a tree structure, displaying each wallet along with the SS58 addresses for the coldkey public key and any hotkeys associated with it.

Optional arguments: -p, –path: The path to the Bittensor configuration directory. Defaults to ‘~/.bittensor’.

The output is presented in a hierarchical tree format, with each wallet as a root node, and any associated hotkeys as child nodes. The SS58 address is displayed for each coldkey and hotkey that is not encrypted and exists on the device.

Usage: Upon invocation, the command scans the wallet directory and prints a list of all wallets, indicating whether the public keys are available (‘?’ denotes unavailable or encrypted keys).

Example usage: >>> btcli list –path ~/.bittensor

Note: This command is read-only and does not modify the filesystem or the network state. It is intended for use within the Bittensor CLI to provide a quick overview of the user’s wallets.

static run(cli)#

Lists wallets.

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.UpdateCommand#

Executes the ‘update’ command to update the local Bittensor package. This command performs a series of operations to ensure that the user’s local Bittensor installation is updated to the latest version from the master branch of its GitHub repository. It primarily involves pulling the latest changes from the repository and reinstalling the package.

Usage: Upon invocation, the command first checks the user’s configuration for the ‘no_prompt’ setting. If ‘no_prompt’ is set to True, or if the user explicitly confirms with ‘Y’ when prompted, the command proceeds to update the local Bittensor package. It changes the current directory to the Bittensor package directory, checks out the master branch of the Bittensor repository, pulls the latest changes, and then reinstalls the package using pip.

The command structure is as follows: 1. Change directory to the Bittensor package directory. 2. Check out the master branch of the Bittensor GitHub repository. 3. Pull the latest changes with the ‘–ff-only’ option to ensure a fast-forward update. 4. Reinstall the Bittensor package using pip.

Example usage: >>> btcli legacy update

Note: This command is intended to be used within the Bittensor CLI to facilitate easy updates of the Bittensor package. It should be used with caution as it directly affects the local installation of the package. It is recommended to ensure that any important data or configurations are backed up before running this command.

static run(cli)#
static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.SenateCommand#

Executes the ‘senate’ command to view the members of Bittensor’s governance protocol, known as the Senate. This command lists the delegates involved in the decision-making process of the Bittensor network.

Usage: The command retrieves and displays a list of Senate members, showing their names and wallet addresses. This information is crucial for understanding who holds governance roles within the network.

Example usage: >>> btcli root senate

Note: This command is particularly useful for users interested in the governance structure and participants of the Bittensor network. It provides transparency into the network’s decision-making body.

static run(cli)#

View Bittensor’s governance protocol proposals

classmethod check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

classmethod add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.ProposalsCommand#

Executes the ‘proposals’ command to view active proposals within Bittensor’s governance protocol. This command displays the details of ongoing proposals, including votes, thresholds, and proposal data.

Usage: The command lists all active proposals, showing their hash, voting threshold, number of ayes and nays, detailed votes by address, end block number, and call data associated with each proposal.

Example usage: >>> btcli root proposals

Note: This command is essential for users who are actively participating in or monitoring the governance of the Bittensor network. It provides a detailed view of the proposals being considered, along with the community’s response to each.

static run(cli)#

View Bittensor’s governance protocol proposals

classmethod check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

classmethod add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.ShowVotesCommand#

Executes the ‘proposal_votes’ command to view the votes for a specific proposal in Bittensor’s governance protocol. This command provides a detailed breakdown of the votes cast by the senators for a particular proposal.

Usage: Users need to specify the hash of the proposal they are interested in. The command then displays the voting addresses and their respective votes (Aye or Nay) for the specified proposal.

Optional arguments: - –proposal (str): The hash of the proposal for which votes need to be displayed.

Example usage: >>> btcli root proposal_votes –proposal <proposal_hash>

Note: This command is crucial for users seeking detailed insights into the voting behavior of the Senate on specific governance proposals. It helps in understanding the level of consensus or disagreement within the Senate on key decisions.

THIS COMMAND IS DEPRECATED: Please use `btcli root proposals` to see vote status.

static run(cli)#

View Bittensor’s governance protocol proposals active votes

classmethod check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

classmethod add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.SenateRegisterCommand#

Executes the ‘senate_register’ command to register as a member of the Senate in Bittensor’s governance protocol. This command is used by delegates who wish to participate in the governance and decision-making process of the network.

Usage: The command checks if the user’s hotkey is a delegate and not already a Senate member before registering them to the Senate. Successful execution allows the user to participate in proposal voting and other governance activities.

Example usage: >>> btcli root senate_register

Note: This command is intended for delegates who are interested in actively participating in the governance of the Bittensor network. It is a significant step towards engaging in network decision-making processes.

static run(cli)#

Register to participate in Bittensor’s governance protocol proposals

classmethod check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

classmethod add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.SenateLeaveCommand#

Executes the ‘senate_leave’ command to discard membership in Bittensor’s Senate. This command allows a Senate member to voluntarily leave the governance body.

Usage: The command checks if the user’s hotkey is currently a Senate member before processing the request to leave the Senate. It effectively removes the user from participating in future governance decisions.

Example usage: >>> btcli root senate_leave

Note: This command is relevant for Senate members who wish to step down from their governance responsibilities within the Bittensor network. It should be used when a member no longer desires to participate in the Senate activities.

static run(cli)#

Discard membership in Bittensor’s governance protocol proposals

classmethod check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

classmethod add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.VoteCommand#

Executes the ‘senate_vote’ command to cast a vote on an active proposal in Bittensor’s governance protocol. This command is used by Senate members to vote on various proposals that shape the network’s future.

Usage: The user needs to specify the hash of the proposal they want to vote on. The command then allows the Senate member to cast an ‘Aye’ or ‘Nay’ vote, contributing to the decision-making process.

Optional arguments: - –proposal (str): The hash of the proposal to vote on.

Example usage: >>> btcli root senate_vote –proposal <proposal_hash>

Note: This command is crucial for Senate members to exercise their voting rights on key proposals. It plays a vital role in the governance and evolution of the Bittensor network.

static run(cli)#

Vote in Bittensor’s governance protocol proposals

classmethod check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

classmethod add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.RootRegisterCommand#

Executes the ‘register’ command to register a wallet to the root network of the Bittensor network. This command is used to formally acknowledge a wallet’s participation in the network’s root layer.

Usage: The command registers the user’s wallet with the root network, which is a crucial step for participating in network governance and other advanced functions.

Optional arguments: - None. The command primarily uses the wallet and subtensor configurations.

Example usage: >>> btcli root register

Note: This command is important for users seeking to engage deeply with the Bittensor network, particularly in aspects related to network governance and decision-making. It is a straightforward process but requires the user to have an initialized and configured wallet.

static run(cli)#

Register to root network.

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.RootList#

Executes the ‘list’ command to display the members of the root network on the Bittensor network. This command provides an overview of the neurons that constitute the network’s foundational layer.

Usage: Upon execution, the command fetches and lists the neurons in the root network, showing their unique identifiers (UIDs), names, addresses, stakes, and whether they are part of the senate (network governance body).

Optional arguments: - None. The command uses the subtensor configuration to retrieve data.

Example usage: >>> btcli root list

UID NAME ADDRESS STAKE(τ) SENATOR 0 5CaCUPsSSdKWcMJbmdmJdnWVa15fJQuz5HsSGgVdZffpHAUa 27086.37070 Yes 1 RaoK9 5GmaAk7frPXnAxjbQvXcoEzMGZfkrDee76eGmKoB3wxUburE 520.24199 No 2 Openτensor Foundaτion 5F4tQyWrhfGVcNhoqeiNsR6KjD4wMZ2kfhLj4oHYuyHbZAc3 1275437.45895 Yes 3 RoundTable21 5FFApaS75bv5pJHfAp2FVLBj9ZaXuFDjEypsaBNc1wCfe52v 84718.42095 Yes 4 5HK5tp6t2S59DywmHRWPBVJeJ86T61KjurYqeooqj8sREpeN 168897.40859 Yes 5 Rizzo 5CXRfP2ekFhe62r7q3vppRajJmGhTi7vwvb2yr79jveZ282w 53383.34400 No 6 τaosτaτs and BitAPAI 5Hddm3iBFD2GLT5ik7LZnT3XJUnRnN8PoeCFgGQgawUVKNm8 646944.73569 Yes …

Note: This command is useful for users interested in understanding the composition and governance structure of the Bittensor network’s root layer. It provides insights into which neurons hold significant influence and responsibility within the network.

static run(cli)#

List the root network

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.RootSetWeightsCommand#

Executes the ‘weights’ command to set the weights for the root network on the Bittensor network. This command is used by network senators to influence the distribution of network rewards and responsibilities.

Usage: The command allows setting weights for different subnets within the root network. Users need to specify the netuids (network unique identifiers) and corresponding weights they wish to assign.

Optional arguments: - –netuids (str): A comma-separated list of netuids for which weights are to be set. - –weights (str): Corresponding weights for the specified netuids, in comma-separated format.

Example usage: >>> btcli root weights –netuids 1,2,3 –weights 0.3,0.3,0.4

Note: This command is particularly important for network senators and requires a comprehensive understanding of the network’s dynamics. It is a powerful tool that directly impacts the network’s operational mechanics and reward distribution.

static run(cli)#

Set weights for root network.

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.RootGetWeightsCommand#

Executes the ‘get_weights’ command to retrieve the weights set for the root network on the Bittensor network. This command provides visibility into how network responsibilities and rewards are distributed among various subnets.

Usage: The command outputs a table listing the weights assigned to each subnet within the root network. This information is crucial for understanding the current influence and reward distribution among the subnets.

Optional arguments: - None. The command fetches weight information based on the subtensor configuration.

Example usage: >>> btcli root get_weights

Root Network Weights

UID 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 11 13 18 19 1 100.00% - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - 40.00% 5.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 5.00% - - 10.00% - 3 - - 25.00% - 25.00% - 25.00% - - - 25.00% - 4 - - 7.00% 7.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% - 6.00% - 20.00% - 5 - 20.00% - 10.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 5.00% - - 10.00% 10.00% 6 - - - - 10.00% 10.00% 25.00% 25.00% - - 30.00% - 7 - 60.00% - - 20.00% - - - 20.00% - - - 8 - 49.35% - 7.18% 13.59% 21.14% 1.53% 0.12% 7.06% 0.03% - - 9 100.00% - - - - - - - - - - - …

Note: This command is essential for users interested in the governance and operational dynamics of the Bittensor network. It offers transparency into how network rewards and responsibilities are allocated across different subnets.

static run(cli)#

Get weights for root network.

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.RootSetBoostCommand#

Executes the ‘boost’ command to boost the weights for a specific subnet within the root network on the Bittensor network.

Usage: The command allows boosting the weights for different subnets within the root network.

Optional arguments: - –netuid (int): A single netuid for which weights are to be boosted. - –increase (float): The cooresponding increase in the weight for this subnet.

Example usage: >>> btcli root boost –netuid 1 –increase 0.01

Enter netuid (e.g. 1): 1 Enter amount (e.g. 0.01): 0.1 Boosting weight for subnet: 1 by amount: 0.1

Normalized weights:

tensor([ 0.0000, 0.5455, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.4545, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]) -> tensor([0.0000, 0.5455, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.4545, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]


Do you want to set the following root weights?: weights: tensor([

0.0000, 0.5455, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.4545, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000])

uids: tensor([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,

18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40])? [y/n]: y

True None ✅ Finalized ⠙ 📡 Setting root weights on test …2023-11-28 22:09:14.001 | SUCCESS | Set weights Finalized: True

static run(cli)#

Set weights for root network.

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.RootSetSlashCommand#

Executes the ‘slash’ command to decrease the weights for a specific subnet within the root network on the Bittensor network.

Usage: The command allows slashing (decreasing) the weights for different subnets within the root network.

Optional arguments: - –netuid (int): A single netuid for which weights are to be slashed. - –decrease (float): The corresponding decrease in the weight for this subnet.

Example usage: >>> btcli root slash –netuid 1 –decrease 0.01

Enter netuid (e.g. 1): 1 Enter decrease amount (e.g. 0.01): 0.2 Slashing weight for subnet: 1 by amount: 0.2

Normalized weights:

tensor([ 0.0000, 0.4318, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.5682, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]) -> tensor([ 0.0000, 0.4318, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.5682, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]


Do you want to set the following root weights?: weights: tensor([

0.0000, 0.4318, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.5682, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000])

uids: tensor([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,

18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40])? [y/n]: y

⠙ 📡 Setting root weights on test …2023-11-28 22:09:14.001 | SUCCESS | Set weights Finalized: True

static run(cli)#

Set weights for root network with decreased values.

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

class bittensor.commands.GetIdentityCommand#

Executes the ‘get_identity’ command, which retrieves and displays the identity details of a user’s coldkey or hotkey associated with the Bittensor network. This function queries the subtensor chain for information such as the stake, rank, and trust associated with the provided key.

Optional Arguments: –key: The ss58 address of the coldkey or hotkey to query.

The command performs the following actions: - Connects to the subtensor network and retrieves the identity information. - Displays the information in a structured table format.

The displayed table includes: - Address: The ss58 address of the queried key. - Item: Various attributes of the identity such as stake, rank, and trust. - Value: The corresponding values of the attributes.

Usage: The user must provide an ss58 address as input to the command. If the address is not provided in the configuration, the user is prompted to enter one.

Example usage: >>> btli get_identity –key <s58_address>

Note: This function is designed for CLI use and should be executed in a terminal. It is primarily used for informational purposes and has no side effects on the network state.


Queries the subtensor chain for user identity.

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –

class bittensor.commands.SetIdentityCommand#

Executes the ‘set_identity’ command within the Bittensor network, which allows for the creation or update of a delegate’s on-chain identity. This identity includes various attributes such as display name, legal name, web URL, PGP fingerprint, and contact information, among others.

Optional Arguments: –display: The display name for the identity. –legal: The legal name for the identity. –web: The web URL for the identity. –riot: The riot handle for the identity. –email: The email address for the identity. –pgp_fingerprint: The PGP fingerprint for the identity. –image: The image URL for the identity. –info: The info for the identity. –twitter: The twitter URL for the identity.

The command prompts the user for the different identity attributes and validates the input size for each attribute. It provides an option to update an existing validator hotkey identity. If the user consents to the transaction cost, the identity is updated on the blockchain.

Each field has a maximum size of 64 bytes. The PGP fingerprint field is an exception and has a maximum size of 20 bytes. The user is prompted to enter the PGP fingerprint as a hex string, which is then converted to bytes. The user is also prompted to enter the coldkey or hotkey ss58 address for the identity to be updated. If the user does not have a hotkey, the coldkey address is used by default.

If setting a validator identity, the hotkey will be used by default. If the user is setting an identity for a subnet, the coldkey will be used by default.

Usage: The user should call this command from the command line and follow the interactive prompts to enter or update the identity information. The command will display the updated identity details in a table format upon successful execution.

Example usage: >>> btcli root set_identity

Note: This command should only be used if the user is willing to incur the 1 TAO transaction fee associated with setting an identity on the blockchain. It is a high-level command that makes changes to the blockchain state and should not be used programmatically as part of other scripts or applications.


Create a new or update existing identity on-chain.

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –